Gtalk သုံးတဲ႔သူငယ္ခ်င္းေတြအသံုး၀င္မယ္ထင္လို႔ပါ။
1. CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: It will change the font size in a conversation window.
2. CTRL + E: Center text
3. CTRL + R: Right justify text
4. CTRL + L: Left justify text
5. F11: Start a call
6. F12: Stop the call
7. ESC: Close the current window
8. For minimizing the current window press ALT + ESC.
9. Some smileys are converted by Google Talk: , :-O, :-x, :-P, :-D, :-), , B-).
10. To write bold text, type the text like this *TEXT*.
11. To write italic text, type _your gtalk message_